that space between

(written 7/21)

Time is moving faster these days. I quit my job June 1, and I have been home full-time with Peter for the summer. This has been a beautiful time watching him grow, and getting to know him really well. He is such a unique special little boy, and I feel super privileged to watch him grow up. That being said, I have 1000% felt an unrest in my soul about being home full-time. It’s a strange dichotomy “full time SAHM” vs “full time working mother” and the communities that envelope them. I have felt out of place in both worlds. When I was working full-time, even some weekends, I found myself longing for more time with Peter and a strong jealousy towards moms who could stay home with their kids. When I left my job (for various unrelated reasons) I found myself yearning for work again. I would say things like “I’m in transition- I will be back at work soon,” to appease my working-mom friends, and hiding the fact that I put my child in (insert horror) DAYCARE for a year.

I’m constantly defending my decisions by either hiding aspects of my life, or embellishing others. Why is that? I have talked with several other mom-friends who have felt this same way. It’s this odd sense of not belonging somewhere, not fitting in. Now- I can say that I am a born creative, artist, and I need to be in a creative job to feel whole and fulfilled. This was hard during the pandemic. Not only was I unable to work in a creative field (because it was all shut down) but I couldn’t meet other creatives, or join anything. That drilled a deep hole. A hole that can only be filled by creative work.

As I put together my schedule for the year, I piece together a part-time teaching schedule where I can create and teach and feel a balance finally returning. A balance I haven’t felt since before Peter was born.

Here’s the thing: When you become a parent, the primary care-giver, whoever that is, ends up shelving themselves for a while. This sense of self that I once possessed dwindled as I poured all of myself into this tiny human. Emotionally, physically, and intellectually- every ounce of me is poured into Peter. It goes without saying, I love him to pieces, but I also love the creative person that God made me to be. That balance, that tenuous space between self and selfless has to be reclaimed (at least for me.) If I lose myself, what type of role model am I really being for Pete?

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Him and Her. Life and Narrative. Married, partnered, friends. Simple and sweet. The ups and downs together. Be kind, be caring, be loving. A theatre artist and a military officer. Living in North Carolina, often long distance. We explore, we write, we share. We love to travel, eat, listen to music, try new things, be present each day, and live a minimal lifestyle.

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